
  • 第十屆理事會就職典禮
  • 2023義工嘉許禮
  • 415
  • 兩會精神分享會2
  • 議員培訓班
  • 完善地區治理
  • 中秋派月餅
  • 港島工作部部長薛惠君與南區青年領袖座談,宣講二十大精神
  • 港島工作部副部長楊成偉家訪中西區居民,宣講二十大精神
  • 港島工作部副部長王卉向香港島婦女聯會成員宣講二十大精神
  • 港島工作部副部長尤斌


Beijing denounces foreign forces behind Hong Kong SAR riot


The Hong Kong Island Federation said that foreign forces were behind Wednesday's riot. Those foreign forces tried to create panic and chaos and stop LegCo's normal operations, and greatly affected the lives of Hong Kong residents, according to the federation's website. Federation chairman So Cheung-wing said that the demonstration in the past days happened after several radical Hong Kong opposition figures visited the US to seek support. 

"I have seen and received information about how organizers of the demonstration deceived residents and distorted the facts of the amendments, and there is clear evidence of what they have done," So told the Global Times. 

Representatives from the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Association said they firmly support the police in enforcing the law. Some young Hong Kong residents who were incited by others with ulterior motives blindly engaged in violence, representatives said, media outlet reported. 


related link 環球時報相關文章
